Ora et Pugna


Pray and Fight.

One year ago we took a vow of silence. We remained silent about social issues as we understand that we are not of this world and the current societal crazes and problems were not taking place in our world. We remained silent about political issues as we understand that our Kingdom is in heaven first. While everyone else was speaking out, we remained diligent in our duties and sacrifices.

Six months ago we called for Flagello Corporis - an increase in penance and intensifying of mortification through physical training on the grappling mats and in the power racks in our cloister gyms, dungeon basements, and grotto garages shut up behind blackout curtains and hidden away from evil governors and their rats. While everyone else was trying to organize, we remained steadfast in our self-flagellations as hermits and reclusus.

We’ve watched as the world has continued to make their problems our problems. We’ve watched as society burned our churches across many nations and harassed our people. We’ve watched as politicians have continued to attack the freedoms and dignity of our churches, hospitals, facilities, institutions, and our people. We’ve watched scornfully at our people as they’ve scattered and made their feeble attempts at peace-loving resolutions. But we realize that this is why throughout history knights exist.

They’ve called us foolish, so starting today we will confound the wise. They’ve called us molesters, so now we will plunder and violate their mind, body and spirit. They’ve called us terrorists, so going forward we will be the holy terrors.

We’ve prayed, “…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” and we know that "The gates of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” So we will be fighting, grim armed men of Saint Michael. And as they continue to come for us, they will be left with mouthfuls of broken teeth.

We wrote nearly two years ago that the time for war and hate was drawing near. It’s now time to hoist the flag.
We’ll be seeing you on the streets.

We walk the earth, but are not of the earth.
We are men, but do not follow ways of men,
Only the ways of those who followed Christ;
Martyrs, outlaws, crusaders, questing knights,
Monks, protectors, defenders, soldiers, men. 
Ancient monastic orders and brotherhoods.
The Vendee, Papal Zouaves, Spanish Carlists. 

Soldier Saints, men out of step with the world,
But in step to the horns and drums of the Lord.
Clad in chainmail, bearing the Cross, our cloaks
Have been sold and swords now take their place,
Drawn in defense, in righteous and Just War, and
Sheathed in honor, only after we have perished.
The Grail, Skull, and Blade will be our banner.

Pope, Prophet, King; Hermits, Priests, warriors.
Exoteric to esoteric, now gathered as one to fight.
Catholic men wearing the Sacred Heart badge,
Wrapping clenched fists in iron rosary chains,
And facing Green, White and Red Martyrdom.
We band together with the ranks of men passed;
Of those who fought for Christ and with Christ.

The world teems with the hordes of evildoers.
The gaping maw of sin threatens to devour all.
The world raises a rotted fist and its own banner;
One of corruption, chaos, death and destruction.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and 
when they see someone who is not mad, they will 
attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”

They are right, we are not, and we never shall be.
Soon even the statutes of men will begin to form
Against us and against God. We will be ostracized,
Classified as terrorists and outlaws, and expatriated.
If we are called these things for trusting God, then
Let it be so. We are Holy Terrors, we are Outlaws
For Christ. We are no longer silent, no longer alone.

We will come from the caves and crypts, and from
The darkest densest forests and most remote deserts.
Pilgrims and penitants, coming from the filth of cities,
From the low and lonesome country homesteads, the
Bunkers, barracks, gymnasiums, dungeons, and the 
Rings of pugilism to band together as one, as brothers.
We’ve asked the question, and the Grail Keep is opened.

We’ve made fortresses of our bodies, of our Churches,
And the time has come to set the stones for the fortress
Of our Brothers. The Enemy will attempt to tear down
And breach the walls of of our fortresses, our homes, our
Cities, our parishes, our lives, and the lives of the innocent,
But we shall not falter, nor fail, nor rout, or run. We set
Our faces like flint and resolve as iron, for God is with us.

Who can be against us? Ora et Pugna. Get the Grail.